Sunday, November 28, 2010

Milton Glaser's 12 Steps on the Road to Hell!

1. Designing a package to look bigger on the shelf.

2. Designing an ad for a slow, boring film to make it seem like a lighthearted comedy.

3. Designing a crest for a new vineyard to suggest that it has been in business for a long time.

4. Designing a jacket for a book whose sexual content you find personally repellent.

5. Designing a medal using steel from the World Trade Center to be sold as a profit-making souvenir of September 11.

6. Designing an advertising campaign for a company with a history of known discrimination in minority hiring.

7. Designing a package aimed at children for a cereal whose contents you know are low in nutritional value and high in sugar.

8. Designing a line of T-shirts for a manufacturer that employs child labor.

9. Designing a promotion for a diet product that you know doesn’t work.

10. Designing an ad for a political candidate whose policies you believe would be harmful to the general public.

11. Designing a brochure for an SUV that flips over frequently in emergency conditions and is known to have killed 150 people.

12. Designing an ad for a product whose frequent use could result in the user’s death.

* My answer for question 12:

I wouldn't design the product because simply I'll lose my repetition although if i did designed it i wouldn't be a trustable designer. and I'well be the key of killing people who are innocent. and I personally can't live by people blaming me for something i did by knowing the harmful effect of.

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